Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

DomCop website

DomCop is an powerful expired domain search tool, that allows customers to find domains based on numerous rating data

The Project

DomCop is a powerful expired domain search tool that helps digital marketers, SEO experts and web developers find valuable expired domains to purchase.

Our goal was to redesign the web application and improve the overall user experience, making it more intuitive and easier for users to navigate, which would ultimately lead to them finding the expired domains they need.

September 2018 – December 2018


The Challenges

The old design of the web application was confusing and difficult to navigate, causing users to become frustrated with the tool and unable to find the information they needed. Our challenge was to simplify the interface and make it more user-friendly. This was a daunting task as it required us to rethink the entire user experience and redesign it from the ground up.


In order to understand our users and their needs, we conducted user research to gain insight into pain points and user needs. From there, we brainstormed and held idea-generation sessions to come up with new design solutions that would address these issues.

We wanted to make sure that we were creating a design that would truly meet the needs of our users and improve their experience.


After a few rounds of sketches, wireframes, and low-fidelity prototypes iterations, we came up with a final structures. We created a detailed high-fidelity design that was intuitive and user-friendly, with clear navigation and easily accessible information.

The product was supposed to have of two parts, and the main one was the member’s area, where logged users could search domains and purchase them.

We took into account all the user research and feedback from the prototyping phase to create a UX that can truly meet the needs of our expired domains searchers.


Our redesign was a success, resulting in a more user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find valuable expired domains. This project reinforced the importance of user research and testing in the design process. By understanding user needs, we were able to create a web application that truly meets those needs and improves the user experience. This is a testament to the power of design and the difference it can make in the user experience.

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